Kirshni Totaram

Articles by
Kirshni Totaram

Kirshni is Global Head of Institutional Business and has been with the company for over 20 years. She is part of the executive committee and has key responsibility for the global institutional business and product development. Kirshni is a qualified actuary and a CFA charterholder. She has 29 years investment industry experience.


When South Africa's offshore allowance for pension funds increased to 45%, our seasoned global investment team was well-prepared to seize the best opportunities for our clients.

"Our steadfast commitment to excellence is exemplified in these consistent, industry-leading results."

– an excerpt from the Coronation 2020 Stewardship Report

“If you want to lift up humanity, empower women. It is the most comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make in human beings.” – Melinda Gates, in her book, “Moment of Lift”

- an excerpt from the Coronation 2019 Stewardship Report

Addressing the future for women