Seamus Vasey

Articles by
Seamus Vasey

Seamus is a fixed interest and property analyst and portfolio manager in the Fixed Interest team at Coronation. He co-manages our Active Bond, Flexible Fixed Income and Strategic Bond strategies, as well as our Bond unit trust and Granite Hedge Fund. He is also responsible for our Global Bond and Global Strategic Income strategies. Seamus joined Coronation in 2015 and has 21 years' investment experience.


The series concludes with a case study on Brazil, a discussion on what sets South Africa apart from the countries discussed in this series and broad guidelines for investors on asset allocation in so-called “worst-case scenarios”.


In episode two, we ask if domestic equities will always preserve value in cases of severe countrywide decline and major macroeconomic instability.


Our first episode features the fascinating series of events that unfolded in Argentina, Lebanon and Venezuela respectively.

Assessing asset class performance in weak state regimes

Inverted yield curves, negative bond yields, liquidity everywhere and not a drop to drink