Invest Tax Free | Coronation Fund Managers

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Investing your money tax free is quick and easy.

To get the maximum benefit from your tax-free investment, a growth-oriented multi-asset fund, such as Market Plus or Global Optimum Growth Feeder, is the optimal choice for most investors.

Why choose these two funds?

Investing tax free is about building yourself a long-term nest egg, and you want to give your money the best opportunity to grow over time. It’s easier to stay committed to investing for the long term if you take a simple, manageable approach.

A good solution is to choose a growth-oriented multi-asset fund, such as the Market Plus or Global Optimum Growth Feeder. It simplifies investing as you leave the asset allocation decision-making to the skilled investment professionals.

What is the key difference between the two choices?

Both are growth-oriented funds, with Market Plus having a South African share selection bias, whereas Global Optimum Growth Feeder is more focused on opportunities in international markets. Remember that in a tax-free investment, you can switch* your fund choice at any time without incurring capital gains tax or any other costs.

*While this is the ordinary course of business, Coronation retains the right to apply switching fees or exit penalties under limited circumstances.

Strategic Income

A low risk option that aims to beat what you can earn from your bank.
Recommended investment term
  • 1-3 years

Market Plus

A long-term balanced fund that will have more of your money invested in South Africa than offshore over time.
Recommended investment term
  • 5 years Plus

Global Managed [ZAR] Feeder

A long-term global balanced fund that will have more than half of your money invested in growth assets.

Recommended investment term
  • 5 years Plus

Global Optimum Growth [ZAR] Feeder

<Copy to be written>

Recommended investment term
  • ? years Plus

Market Plus

A multi-asset class fund invested in both South African and international assets. Suitable for investors seeking to maximise long-term growth.
Recommended investment term

Global Optimum Growth Feeder Fund

An aggressive multi-asset class fund that can invest across all asset classes and regions around the world in a totally flexible manner.
Recommended investment term

If you would like to consider other fund options, and learn more about the benefits of a tax-free investment, you can click here.

All you need to get started

  • R250 per month or a R5 000 once-off investment

  • Your South African ID

  • Photo of your signature

How to invest

Simply photograph each of the listed documents and have them ready to upload when you start your online journey.

Frequently asked questions

It’s easier to stay committed to investing tax-free for the long term if you choose a multi-asset fund. Why?

The key to sticking to your financial goals over time is to take a simple, manageable approach. Investors who make their own investment decisions may find it difficult to make consistently good decisions over time.

Multi-asset funds, such as the Coronation Market Plus andor Coronation Global Managed funds, offer an optimal solution as they are managed by skilled investment professionals on your behalf. They identify the best long-term opportunities available for you across different asset classes and reposition the portfolio as circumstances change.

There is comfort in investing in a multi-asset fund, as it has a broader mandate and more tools at its disposal with which to achieve your desired result.

A unit trust fund is an investment product that pools the money of many investors to invest in assets like shares, bonds and listed property. Instead of having to pick individual investments yourself, a unit trust offers you exposure to a range of assets, which are selected and managed by investment professionals. It is an easy and convenient way to invest your money.

Our funds are available directly from us, or as investment options on the product platforms of most of the prominent linked product companies in South Africa.

Yes, Coronation manages money on behalf of millions of South Africans and we take this responsibility very seriously. Coronation Asset Management is an authorised financial service provider, and Coronation Management Company is a licensed manager of collective investment schemes. The value of your investment will fluctuate depending on the prevailing market prices of the underlying investments in the fund.

We highly recommend that you remain invested for the long term to get the maximum benefit from both our investment approach and compound interest. You can, however, withdraw part or all of your investment whenever you want.

If you elect for Coronation to collect the investment amount from your bank account by way of a once off debit order (electronic collection), we will apply a restriction on your ability to withdraw these funds for the first 40 days as debit orders can be reversed within 40 days. If you elect to do an EFT, there is a 7-day clearance period. This protects both you and us from fraud.

You can withdraw the full value of your investment at the value which is calculated daily.

No, the value of your investment may go down as well as up and Coronation does not provide any guarantees with respect to the protection of your capital or a specific rate of return. What we can guarantee is that our investment professionals will manage your money with due care and to the best of their ability. Your money will be invested in shares, listed property and other yielding assets listed in South Africa and on stock exchanges around the world. If you want to learn more about the suitability of this fund for you, its historical return and risk profile and other important information regarding this investment, please refer to the comprehensive fact sheets.

Each funds’ fees can be found on their respective factsheets:

Click here to read more about the fees

You may still invest. You may submit a stamped letter from your bank that shows all you bank account details.

With a Coronation Tax-Free Investment there are no upfront or switching* fees.

Coronation only charges an annual management fee dependent on the fund that you choose. For example, Market Plus charges an annual fee of 1.25% on your investment balance.

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*While this is the ordinary course of business, Coronation retains the right to apply switching fees or exit penalties under limited circumstances.

Each funds’ fees can be found on their respective fact sheets:

Click here to read more about the fees

If you have not yet contributed the maximum of R36 000 to your tax-free investment for this tax year, you can add to your investment by logging into your account.

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or download the form for offline application

No, but we highly recommend that you remain invested for the long term to get the maximum benefit from both our investment approach and the power of compounding.

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or download the form for offline application

There are no limits to what you can withdraw from your total investment value (calculated daily).  While you are free to access your tax-free investment at any time, it’s well worth resisting the temptation to withdraw in order to maximise the time your investment has to benefit from the power of compounding. Furthermore, all amounts you invest will count towards your annual and lifetime limits regardless of any withdrawals you make - you cannot 'replace' the money you withdraw with a new investment. For example, if you invested R36 000 in any particular tax year and then withdrew some or all of your savings, any further investment during the tax year will be taxed.

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