Our Investment Professionals

Coronation has one of the most stable and experienced investment teams domiciled in South Africa.

We believe that we are well positioned by being one of very few investment teams in the world with three former chief investment officers still actively managing money. We operate as an integrated global team headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa.

Research is integral to our investment process. We have challenged the industry model by assigning research responsibilities to all our portfolio managers. Thus our most experienced investment minds are tasked with analysing opportunities. In addition, our analysts are not assigned specific industries or geographies, but research different companies in a variety of industries and across different geographies. As a result, our investment professionals can ‘price profit and risk’ across asset classes, sectors and geographies, which results in better-constructed portfolios for clients.

Over the years we have developed and nurtured a culture of teamwork, performance and excellence, balancing the benefits of rich and diverse debate with an emphasis on individual accountability. We have a flat structure and operate as a meritocracy where anyone (irrespective of position or title) will be recognised for work well done.

  • Karl Leinberger
    Karl Leinberger

    24 years' experience

    BBusSc, CA (SA), CFA
    Karl is Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and manager of Coronation's Houseview strategies. He joined Coronation in 2000 as an equity analyst, was made Head of Research in 2005 and became CIO in 2008. Karl has 24 years' investment experience.

  • Quinton Ivan
    Quinton Ivan

    19 years' experience

    BBusSc, BCom (Hons), CA (SA), CFA
    Quinton is Head of Coronation's Core Equity Strategy. He also co-manages the Presidio Hedge Fund. Quinton has 19 years of investment experience.

  • Neville Chester
    Neville Chester

    27 years' experience

    BCom, CA (SA), CFA
    Neville is a senior member of the investment team with 27 years' investment experience. He manages Coronation's Aggressive Equity Strategy and is co-manager of the Coronation Top 20 and Market Plus unit trust funds.

  • Sarah-Jane Alexander
    Sarah-Jane Alexander

    20 years' experience

    BBusSc, CFA
    Sarah-Jane manages assets within the Coronation Houseview Equity Strategy. She also co-manages Coronation's Houseview balanced strategies and has research responsibilities across a range of financial services and hospital stocks, among others. Sarah-Jane joined Coronation in 2008 as an equity analyst and has 20 years' investment experience.

  • Nic Stein
    Nic Stein

    15 years' experience

    BBusSc, CA (SA), CFA
    Nic is a portfolio manager and analyst within the Coronation investment team with 15 years' investment experience. He co-manages the Coronation Aggressive Equity and Managed strategies as well as the Coronation Resources, Top 20 and Market Plus unit trust funds.

  • Nicholas Hops
    Nicholas Hops

    10 years' experience

    BBusSc, CFA
    Nicholas is Head of South African Equity Research and a portfolio manager within the SA investment team. He co-manages the Coronation Resources, Industrial and Market Plus unit trust funds. Nicholas has ten years of investment experience.

  • Pallavi Ambekar
    Pallavi Ambekar

    21 years' experience

    BBusSc, CA (SA), CFA
    Pallavi is Head of Absolute Return at Coronation and a portfolio manager across all strategies in this unit. She also has research responsibility for certain large capitalization shares listed on the JSE. She has 21 years' investment experience.

  • Charles de Kock
    Charles de Kock

    38 years' experience

    BCom (Hons), MCom
    Charles joined Coronation in 2005 and is a co-portfolio manager across all strategies within the Absolute Return investment unit. He also co-manages the Coronation Balanced Defensive and Capital Plus unit trust funds. Charles has 38 years' investment experience.

  • Neill Young
    Neill Young

    26 years' experience

    BBusSc, CA (SA), CFA
    Neill joined Coronation in 1998 and co-manages Coronation's Absolute Return Strategies as well as the Coronation Financial, Balanced Defensive and Capital Plus unit trust funds. Neill has more than 26 years' investment experience.

  • Nishan Maharaj
    Nishan Maharaj

    21 years' experience

    BSc (Hons), MBA
    Nishan is Head of Fixed Interest and responsible for the investment unit's process and performance across all strategies. He also manages all fixed interest assets. Nishan has 21 years' investment experience.

  • Adrian van Pallander
    Adrian van Pallander

    22 years' experience

    BScEng, HTSdip, CFA, FRM
    Adrian joined Coronation in 2002 and is a portfolio manager within Coronation's Fixed Interest investment unit. He is responsible for managing a portion of the fixed interest assets across all strategies as well as analysis, asset allocation modelling and portfolio construction monitoring. He has 22 years' investment experience.

  • Seamus Vasey
    Seamus Vasey

    20 years' experience

    BCom (Hons), MSc, CFA
    Seamus is a portfolio manager and analyst within the Fixed Interest investment unit with more than 20 years' investment experience. He manages assets within Coronation's specialist bond strategies. He also co-manages the Coronation Global Bond and Granite Hedge funds as well as the Global Strategic USD and Bond unit trust funds.

  • Steve Janson
    Steve Janson

    17 years' experience

    Steve is a portfolio manager and analyst within the Fixed Interest investment unit, with 17 years' investment experience. Steve's current responsibilities include fixed income and property research responsibilities as well as co-managing the Coronation Active Bond Strategy and Coronation Bond unit trust fund.

  • Mauro Longano
    Mauro Longano

    13 years' experience

    BScEng (Hons), CA (SA)
    Mauro is a portfolio manager and head of Fixed Interest research. He co-manages various fixed income strategies for institutional and retail clients. Mauro joined Coronation in 2014 and has 13 years' investment industry experience.

  • Sinovuyo Ndaleni
    Sinovuyo Ndaleni

    8 years' experience

    Sinovuyo is a portfolio manager within the Coronation Fixed Interest investment unit, where she co-manages the Coronation Strategic Cash and Medical Aid Cash strategies. She also co-manages the Coronation Defensive Income and Money Market unit trust funds and has various analytical responsibilities. Sinovuyo joined Coronation in January 2016.

  • Neil Padoa
    Neil Padoa

    16 years' experience

    BEconSc, FFA, CFA
    Neil is a portfolio manager and head of Global Developed Markets. He joined Coronation in May 2012 and has 16 years' investment experience.

  • Louis Stassen
    Louis Stassen

    34 years' experience

    BSc, BCom (Hons), CFA
    Louis is a founding member and former Chief Investment Officer of Coronation. He has 34 years of investment industry experience.

  • Tony Gibson
    Tony Gibson

    43 years' experience

    Tony is a founding member and a former Chief Investment Officer of Coronation. He has 43 years' investment experience.

  • Gavin Joubert
    Gavin Joubert

    25 years' experience

    BBusSc, CA (SA), CFA
    Head of Global Emerging Markets, Gavin has 25 years' experience as an investment analyst and portfolio manager. He joined Coronation in 1999 and manages assets within the Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy.

  • Suhail Suleman
    Suhail Suleman

    22 years' experience

    BBusSc, CFA
    Suhail is a portfolio manager and joint-Head of Global Emerging Markets research. He co-manages the Coronation Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy and the Global Emerging Markets Flexible unit trust fund. He also manages the Emerging Markets Diversified Equity Fund. Suhail joined Coronation in 2007 and has 22 years' investment experience.

  • Iakovos Mekios
    Iakovos Mekios

    10 years' experience

    Ptychion (BSc), MIA, IMC, CFA
    Iakovos is a portfolio manager and joint-Head of Global Emerging Markets Research. He co-manages the Global Emerging Markets strategy, the Emerging Markets Diversified Equity strategy as well as the Global Emerging Markets Flexible unit trust fund. He joined Coronation in 2013 and has ten years of asset management experience.

  • Lisa Haakman
    Lisa Haakman

    18 years' experience

    BAcc (Hons), HDipTax, CA (SA), CFA
    Lisa is an equity analyst in the Global Emerging Markets investment unit and co-manages a portion of the Coronation Global Emerging Markets Diversified Equity Strategy. She has more than 18 years' investment experience and is a CFA charterholder.

  • Peter Leger
    Peter Leger

    26 years' experience

    BScEng, BCom (Hons), CFA
    Peter is head of Global Frontier Markets and manager across all strategies within the investment unit. He joined Coronation in 2005 and has 26 years' experience in African financial markets as both a portfolio manager and research analyst.

  • Gregory Longe
    Gregory Longe

    11 years' experience

    BBusSc, CA (SA), CFA
    Greg co-manages the Africa Frontiers Strategy and has 11 years' investment experience across Frontier markets. He joined the Global Frontiers investment unit in 2013 as an investment analyst.